the sons of Zerah This genealogy appears only in Chron.

Zimri LXX (B) Ζαμβρεί (β being merely euphonic) here and also Joshua 7:1 where Heb. has "Zabdi." LXX. is probably right in identifying the two. Either form might arise from the other by easy textual corruption.

Ethan … Dara Read, Darda with Vulg., Targ., Pesh. The same four names in the same order occur 1 Kings 4:31 as the names of wise men whom Solomon surpassed in wisdom. They are there called sons of "Mahol" who may have been either a nearer or remoter ancestor than Zerah. Ethan however is there called the Ezrahite (probably "son of Zerah"). [Psalms 88, 89 bear respectively the names "Heman the Ezrahite," "Ethan the Ezrahite," but these (it seems) were Levites(1 Chronicles 15:17; 1 Chronicles 15:19).]

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