Jeroboam sets up golden calves in Dan and Bethel, and thus makes Israel to Sin (Not in 2 Chron)

25. built Shechem i.e. Strengthened it by walls and made it thus fit to be the royal residence, -the political centre of a confederation whose military leader bore the title of king." It had in early days been a strong town with gates, but was overthrown by Abimelech (see Judges 9:4-5). For -mount Ephraim" here, we should rather read as elsewhere, with R.V., - the hill country of Ephraim."

Penuel This place was in the country of Gilead, on the east of the Jordan. When Gideon (Judges 8:8) in his pursuit after the Midianites crossed from the west side to the east of the Jordan, the first place mentioned in his route is Succoth, and after that Penuel. It was important for Jeroboam to have a stronghold on both sides of the river, as his subjects lived on both sides, and this town, Penuel, was no doubt a post of consequence, as it was evidently near to the fords of the Jordan, so that a force stationed there would protect the land from invaders.

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