For who, &c. Better, And who will hearken unto you as regards this saying? A negative answer is implied: No one; for, &c. The Sept. adds, "for they are not inferior to us."

as his part, &c. The rule for the division of the spoil between combatants and non-combatants was an ancient one. See Numbers 31:27; and cp. Joshua 22:8. David now enforced a special application of it with reference to the divisions of the army. A similar law existed at Rome. According to Polybius (x. 16. 5), Scipio after the sack of New Carthage directed the tribunes to divide the booty in equal portions to all, including the reserves, the guards of the camp, and the sick.

the stuff The baggage. See on 1 Samuel 10:22.

they shall part alike "Part" = share. The use of the verb in this sense is an archaism. Cp. Acts 2:45.

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