in this city Pointing to the town on a hill in front of them.

a man of God See note on 1 Samuel 2:27.

he is an honourable man Lit., the man is highly esteemed.

all that he saith, &c. Cp. 1 Samuel 3:19.

peradventure Derived from per, "by," and adventura, late Latin for "that which is about to happen," "chance," = "perchance," "perhaps."

our way that we should go Rather, our way upon which we have come: i.e. shew us which way to go to attain the object of our journey. Cp. Genesis 24:42.

It seems strange that Saul apparently knows nothing about Samuel. But the days of Samuel's greatest activity were long past, and he had for some time been living in comparative retirement: while "up to this point Saul had been only the shy and retiring youth of the family, employed in the common work of the farm," and knowing little of the political or religious movements of the time.

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