well reported of So the word is used of goodtestimony, in the appointment of the deacons, Acts 6:3, -seven men of good report;" of Ananias, -a devout man … well reported of by all the Jews," Acts 22:12.

for good works Lit. -in the matter of good works;" the preposition expresses -the range in which a power acts," Winer, § 48, 3, a. Cf. 1 Thessalonians 3:2, -God's minister in the Gospel of Christ;" and 1 Timothy 1:18 with note. These good works are not to be limited to such as a widow with means could perform. All were within the reach of the devoted Christian widow, poor as she might be. And pastoral experience can shew similar -wonderful works" still wrought by -pious poverty" for the Saviour. The rhythmical structure of the verse is at least characteristic of St Paul's rhetoric, fitted now to incorporate some sacred strain, now to suggest one.

if she have brought up children R.V. rightly, if she hath brought up; -hath" not -have" because the moods are indicative, not conditional; -hath brought up," not -brought up," because the English idiom, in such a retrospect, uses the definite past, while the Greek uses the indefinite aorist: see Revisers" Preface. -There are numerous cases in which the use of the indefinite past tense in Greek and English is altogether different, and in such instances we have not attempted to violate the idiom of our language by forms of expression which it could not bear." The bringing up of children most naturally refers to her own home and family, where she has been a nursing mother. This compound verb occurs only here in N.T.; as does the next.

lodged strangers An ordinary daily incident of both rich and poor life then: and in the days of persecution soon to follow a sacred privilege and necessity.

washed the saints" feet This special act of Eastern hospitality is singled out doubtless from our Lord's taking the humble service upon Himself at the Last Supper, John 13:4-17. Cf. Abraham's reception of the -three men" at Mamre, Genesis 28:4, -Let a little water be fetched and wash your feet;" and the designation of Elijah's companion and disciple, 2 Kings 3:11, -Elisha the son of Shaphat, which poured water on the hands of Elijah." -The saints" is another word used like -faithful" (1 Timothy 5:8) at the commencement of the Epistles and elsewhere to describe all who have been -set apart" from the heathen as -Christ's people" by baptism.

relieved the afflicted The -relief" is the same word as in 1 Timothy 5:16, exemplifying the promise -with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again." To give such relief from small means would not then be harder than now; and it is very striking, when one knows the real life of the poor, to see how much they can and do help one another in trouble, especially when there is -Christian will" to -find the way."

diligently followed every good work Bp Ellicott rightly seems to point out that the preposition in the compound verb indicates directionrather than diligence, quoting 1 Peter 2:21, -that ye should follow his steps." Cf. also Mark 16:20 and 1 Timothy 5:24 in this chapter. She might not have been in front rank but she hath humbly followed and -hath done what she could" in every good work.

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