she said unto her husband The woman was not content with providing food, but out of reverence for the character of the visitor, desired to provide a lodging also.

I perceive that thisis a holy man of God Probably before the first invitation the woman had learnt something of Elisha's work and the reason of his frequent journeys. Now when he became their guest she had full opportunity of enquiring from Gehazi, and observing for herself the way in which he laboured to keep alive the true worship of God in the land. The existence of a family like this of the Shunammite is evidence that amid much corruption God was not yet forgotten in the ten tribes. The name -man of God" was applied to Elijah (1 Kings 17:24) by the widow of Zarephath after she had beheld what great things God did through his ministry. She added also -the word of the Lord in thy mouth is truth", which probably represents much of the feeling of the Shunammite when she spake of Elisha as -holy".

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