And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion Rather sents to them, the present standing for the future by anticipation of the predicted certainty; or better explained as the statement of a principle already at work. What will take place in those deceived by Antichrist, is seen on a smaller scale every day.

For strong delusionread, with R.V., working of error, parallel to "working of Satan," 2 Thessalonians 2:9 (see note on working); a superhuman force and fascination is implied, that of Satan's miraculous working in the Antichrist. "Delusion" is deceit accepted, falsehood taken for truth (2 Thessalonians 2:9). And "God sends" this effectual deceit, with the very purpose that they should believe the lie. "O Lord, why dost Thou make us to err from Thy ways?" (Isaiah 63:17).

2 Thessalonians 2:11, therefore, ascribe to Godthe great delusion that we have been all along regarding as the masterpiece of Satan. Three things must be borne in mind here: (1) that Satan is never represented in Scripture as an independent power, or rival deity of evil, like the Persian Ahriman. However large the activity allowed to him in this world, it is under Divine control (see Job 1:2; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 1 Corinthians 10:13; &c.). (2) St Paul teaches that God makes sin work out its own punishment. In Romans 1:24-25, he represents the loathsome vice of the Pagan world as a Divine chastisement for its long-continued idolatry: "For this causeGod sends eftectual delusion" is parallel to "For this causeGod gave them up to vile passions." In each case the result is inevitable, and comes about by what we now call a natural law. That persistent rejection of truth destroys the sense of truth and results in fatal error, is an ethical principle and a fact of experience as certain as any in the world. Now he who believes in God as the Moral Ruler of the Universe, knows that its laws are the expression of His will. Since this Satanic delusion is the moral consequence of previous and wilful rejection of the truth, it is manifest that God is here at work; He makes Satan and the Lawless One His instruments in punishing false-hearted men. As they loved lies, God "sends them" lies for their portion. Comp. Ezekiel 14:9, and 1 Kings 22. "Righteous and true are Thy ways, Thou King of the ages!" (Revelation 15:3). (3) The advents of Christ and of Antichrist are linked together (2 Thessalonians 2:3; 2 Thessalonians 2:9); they are parts of the same great process and drama of judgement. God sends "the working of error" in the Lawless One, Who will quickly send His Son to be Judge of the lawless and Avenger of His elect.

For "a lie" the Greek reads "thelie" (same word as falsehood, 2 Thessalonians 2:9), which probably means here not falsehood in general, but this particular falsehood "the lie" par excellence, in which all previous delusions of Satan are consummated, viz. that the Lawless One is himself God (2 Thessalonians 2:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:9). Similarly Idolatry is called "the (great) lie," in contrast with "the truth of God" (Romans 1:25).

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