fainted The expression is peculiar: if correct, it must mean I was done with, exhausted, the verb being the same that is used in Daniel 2:1 in the passage -his sleep was done withupon him." It does not occur in this sense elsewhere in the O. T.

for (some) days so Genesis 40:4 (A.V., R.V., -a season"); Nehemiah 1:4.

rose up from his bed of sickness, as Psalms 41:8.

the king's business what business is not stated; nor can we be sure (cf. Daniel 5:13) that the writer pictured him as still holding the office to which Nebuchadnezzar had appointed him some 60 years previously (Daniel 2:48). For the expression, cf. Esther 9:3.

was astonished cf. on Daniel 4:19.

but none understoodit] The expression is strange, and difficult to reconcile with what has preceded: if the vision was to be -shut up," the remark that no one understood it would seem to be superfluous. Perhaps -none" may be used as in Daniel 8:5; and Daniel himself may be really meant (cf. Daniel 12:8): the meaning will then be that, though the vision had been partly explained to him, he did not understand it fully: Daniel 8:23 are, for instance, expressed enigmatically, and without any name being given (Hitz., Bevan). Other renderings are, but no one perceivedit (cf. 1 Samuel 3:8 Heb.), i.e. no one perceived that Daniel had had a vision, or of what nature it was (Meinh.); or but no one gave heed(cf. Isaiah 57:1 Heb.; A.V. -considering"), viz. to Daniel's astonishment (Behrm.).

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