glede, falcon, kite ra'ah, "ayyah, dayyah, of which the first is probably a clerical error for da'ah(from da'ah, to dart, of the eagle, Deuteronomy 28:49), darteror swooper, and the third a later variant of the same, being a gloss on the first (the LXX has only two names in the v.).

Tristram (102, 98) suggests both the milvus migrans, the black kite, and the buteo vulgaris, the common buzzard: Ar. "aḳabis applied to all smaller eagles and buzzards. The "ayyah(from its cry; cp. Ar. yuyu), Tristram (102) takes as mulvus ictinus, the kite or red kite, -perhaps the keenest-sighted of all the birds of prey," cp. Job 28:7. Read black and red kite or buzzard and kite. LXX, γύψ and ἴκτινος.

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