little owl kôs, LXX, νυκτικόραξ (?), both night-jar and screech-owl. Tristram (93): -probably" the southern little owl, Athene glaux, -one of the most universally distributed birds in the Holy Land." It inhabits ruins, Psalms 102:6 (7). Arabs call it -mother of ruins."

great owl yanshuph, LXX, εἶβις. Tristram (93): eagle-owl, bubo ascalaphus, haunting ruins and caverns.

horned owl tinshemeth, A.V. swan. Tristram: probably the glossy ibis. Owls are eaten by one tribe, at least, in Arabia, for which they are derided by other Arabs (Doughty, i. 305). The owl is one of the birds to which most often the Arabs attribute human qualities.

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