Wherein he hath abounded Better, probably, Which He made to abound; at the time of manifestation and impartation, the great crisis of the Gospel proclamation. This time-reference is fixed by the next verse. Ideally, and for the Church as a body, this time was one;actually, for individuals, it is the time in each case of personal illumination sealed by baptism.

in all wisdom and prudence In themselves, these words are of ambiguous reference. They may mean either that God largely exercised His wisdom and prudence, or that He largely gave wisdom and prudence to the saints. The context of Ephesians 1:9 favours the latter; He "made known the mystery," in part by granting the spiritual power to read it. The word rendered "prudence" is the same as that rendered "the wisdomof the just," Luke 1:17; a passage in point here. It does not occur again in N. T. On the thought and fact, cp. e.g. James 1:5.

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