In those days, while Mordecai sat in the king's gate The main course of the story is thus resumed from Esther 2:19.

chamberlains eunuchs.

Bigthan and Teresh The former is possibly the Bigtha of Esther 1:10. In Esther 6:2 he is called Bigthana.

of those which kept the door who guarded the entrance to the room where the king slept. It was a position in which the strictest fidelity was obviously needed, and which gave a conspirator who could attain it a great prospect of success. In point of fact Xerxes himself in the end fell a victim to a murderous attack by an officer of this kind (Diodor. xi. 69. 1), and such too was the fate of one of his successors, Artaxerxes III (Ochus), in b.c. 338.

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