hardened his heart made his heart stubborn (lit. heavy), J's regular word: see on Exodus 7:13.

35 (E). was hardened waxed strong(or firm), the word used by E: cf. Exodus 10:20; Exodus 10:27; Exodus 4:21 b.

as Jehovah had spoken This is P's formula (Exodus 7:13; Exodus 7:22; Exodus 8:15; Exodus 8:19; Exodus 9:12): the clause was probably added here, on the basis of the passages quoted, by the compiler who combined JE with P.

by the hand of Moses. Moses is never said to have foretold what is here referred to him: in Exodus 9:12 - untoMoses" is said, which agrees with Exodus 7:3 f. Perhaps the words are intended as a reference to v.30.

Thunder and hail are not common in Egypt: nevertheless they occur occasionally. Different travellers (see Di., or DB.iii. 891) speak of storms of heavy rain, hail, or thunder in Egypt occurring during the winter months; and Sayce (EHH.169) states that in the spring of 1895 a violent storm of thunder and hail swept along the valley of the Nile and desolated 3000 acres of cultivated land. Vv.31 f. shew that the plague took place in Jan., or thereabouts; and with this date agrees the statement in v.19 that the cattle were at the time in the fields, for the cattle in Egypt are from Jan. to April on their pastures, while from May to Dec. they are commonly kept in their stalls.

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