This persuasion nearly equivalent to -submission, obedience". Others take it in an active sense -this suasion on the part of the false teachers, to which you are yielding". The objection to this view is that -persuasion" is a weak term to apply to those who had hindered them by throwing obstacles in their way. The word translated hinderedis a military term, and denotes the obstructions thrown in the way of an advancing army, by opening trenches, erecting barricades, &c. a very cogent kind of persuasion.

him that calleth you i.e. God the Father. The present participle is used here, instead of the past (c. Galatians 1:6), because the reference is not to the particular case of those addressed, but to that never-failing grace of God to which all-effectual calling" is owing, Romans 9:11.

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