Genesis 38 - Introduction

The contents of this chapter are derived from J. The narrative forms an abrupt interruption of the Joseph story. The subject-matter is peculiarly unattractive; but the insertion of the section at this point is probably due to the desire to give prominence to the position of Judah among the sons of J... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:1

_at that time_ Cf. Genesis 21:22. The notes of time in this chapter are very indefinite. Cf. 12, "in process of time." The marriage of Judah with the daughter of Shua, the birth of his three sons, Er, Onan, and Shelah, and the marriage of the first two with Tamar, evidently represent a long interval... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:2

_Shua_ Note that "Shua," like Hirah in Genesis 38:1, is the name of a man. See Genesis 38:12. Bath-Shua, i.e. "the daughter of Shua," is all the description given of Judah's wife.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:3

_and he called_ Better, "And she called his name Er." The mother calls the name, as in Genesis 38:4. The reading "she called" is found in some Heb. MSS., Sam. and Targ. Jer. "Er" and "Onan," see Genesis 46:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:6

_Tamar_ = "a date palm." A female name, occurring twice in the family of David (2 Samuel 13:1; 2 Samuel 14:27). Judah, as head of the family, selects a wife for his firstborn, as in Genesis 24:3; Genesis 34:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:8

_perform_ The first instance of the "levirate" (Lat. _lêvir_, "brother-in-law") law which made it obligatory for a surviving brother to marry the widow of his brother, if the latter should die childless. See Deuteronomy 25:5; Matthew 22:24. The eldest son of a levirate marriage succeeded to the dece... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:11

_in thy father's house_ A widow without children went back to her father's family; cf. Leviticus 22:13; Ruth 1:8. A widow with children remained in the family of her husband, and under its protection. Judah evidently believes that the deaths of Er and Onan are somehow due to Tamar. Rather, then, tha... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:13

_shear his sheep_ Sheep-shearing was an occasion of festivity, and often of licentiousness. See note on Genesis 31:19. Cf. 1 Samuel 25:2 ff.; 2 Samuel 13:23 f.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:14

_And she put off_, &c. The neglect on Judah's part to satisfy the requirements of the levirate rule provoked Tamar to have recourse to trickery. To our moral sense such conduct is bad and disgusting. But to Orientals, whose life depended so largely upon the sanctity of racial customs, her action may... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:18

_signet … cord … staff_ The signet ring is frequently worn by Arabs on a cord fastened round the neck. Cf. Song of Solomon 8:6, "set me as a seal upon thine heart." The signet ring and the staff, which was often carved and highly ornamented, would be the most personal possessions of a _Sheikh_, and,... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:21

_harlot_ Heb. _ḳedêshah_, that is, a woman dedicated to impure heathen worship: see Deuteronomy 23:17; Hosea 4:14. The Heb. word denotes "a woman dedicated to the service of some god, or goddess." Her dedication consisted in the sacrifice of her chastity. This repulsive and strangely degrading custo... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:24

_let her be burnt_ Judah, as the head of the family, acts as judge having power of life and death, cf. Genesis 31:32. It is remarkable that the matter is not referred to Jacob; but, presumably, this story constitutes a separate tribal tradition, in which Judah stands as the chief authority. Judah s... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:26

_more righteous_ Judah acknowledges that Tamar had a claim upon the observance of marriage customs, and that he had done wrong in neglecting her, and in ignoring the sacred obligations of tribal "levirate" marriage, upon which depended the very existence of an Oriental community. The Heb. verb means... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:29,30

Birth of Perez and Zerah 29. _Wherefore hast_, &c. _How hast thou made a breach! a breach be upon thee_! _Perez_ That is, _a breach_. For Perez, see Ruth 4:12; Ruth 4:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 38:30

_Zerah_ A word which probably meant "the rising of the sun"; but was apparently in popular etymology connected with a word meaning "scarlet." See, for Zerah, an Edomite, Genesis 36:13; Genesis 36:17; Genesis 36:33. In this narrative we may discern a reminiscence of a time in which the clans of Ex a... [ Continue Reading ]

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