Christ is Love

In Chapter s 5 and 6 two miracles, the healing of the paralytic and the feeding of the five thousand, formed the introduction to two discourses in which Christ is set forth as the Source and the Support of Life. In Chapter s 7 and 8 we have a discourse in which He is set forth as the Source of Truth and Light, and this is illustrated (9) by His giving physical and spiritual sight to the man born blind. In chap. 10 we again have a discourse in which Christ is set forth as Love, under the figure of the Good Shepherd giving His life for the sheep, and this is illustrated (11) by the raising of Lazarus, a work of Love which costs Him His life. As already stated, the prevailing idea throughout this section (5 11) is truth and love provoking contradiction and enmity. The more clearly the Messiah manifests Himself, and the more often He convinces some of His hearers of His Messiahship (John 7:40-41; John 7:46; John 7:50; John 8:30; John 9:30-38; John 10:21; John 10:42; John 11:45), the more intense becomes the hostility of -the Jews" and the more determined their intention to kill Him.

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