And from thenceforth Or (as in John 6:66), Hereupon. Result rather than time seems to be meant; but the Greek (here and John 6:66 only in N.T.) may mean either. Omit -and."

sought Imperfect tense, of continued efforts. Indirect means, such as the release in honour of the Feast, the appeal to compassion, and taunts having proved unsuccessful, Pilate now makes more direct efforts to release Jesus. What these were the Evangelist does not tell us.

If thou let this man go Better, If thou release this man; it is the same verb as in the first clause. The Jews once more shift their tactics and from the ecclesiastical charge (John 19:7) go back to the political, which they now back up by an appeal to Pilate's own political interests. They know their man: it is not a love of justice, but personal feeling which moves him to seek to release Jesus; and they will overcome one personal feeling by another still stronger. Pilate's unexplained interest in Jesus and supercilious contempt for His accusers must give way before a fear for his own position and possibly even his life.

Cesar's friend Whether or no there was any such title of honour as amicus Cesaris, like our -Queen's Counsel," there is no need to suppose that any formal official distinction is intended here. The words probably mean no more than -loyal to Cesar."

whosoever Literally, every one who.

maketh himself Comp. John 19:7; John 10:33. The phrase perhaps implies action as well as words.

speaketh against Caesar ipso factodeclares himself a rebel; and for a Roman governor to countenance and even protect such a person would be high treason (majestas). The Jews perhaps scarcely knew how powerful their weapon was. Pilate's patron Sejanus (executed a.d. 31) was losing his hold over Tiberius, even if he had not already fallen. Pilate had already thrice nearly driven the Jews to revolt, and his character therefore would not stand high with an Emperor who justly prided himself on the good government of the provinces. Above all, the terrible Lex Majestatiswas by this time worked in such a way that prosecution under it was almost certain death.

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