Then Horam His city lay at no great distance from Lachish.

Gezer or, as it is called later, Gazara(2Ma 10:32), Gadara(Jos. Ant. 5:1:22), was an ancient city of Canaan. It was afterwards allotted with its suburbs to the Kohathite Levites (Joshua 21:21; 1 Chronicles 6:67); but the original inhabitants were not dispossessed (Judges 1:29), and even down to the reign of Solomon the Canaanites were still dwelling there, and paying tribute to Israel (1 Kings 9:16). Its site has lately been identified with Tel el Jezar, about four miles from Amwâs, on the road to Ramlahand Lydd. "The position of the Levitical city of Gezer (Jos 12:12; 1 Chronicles 6:67; Judges 1:29), which Pharaoh gave to his daughter Solomon's queen as a dowry, has been a subject of prolonged controversy. M. Clermont Ganneau discovered the ancient site, with the very name itself still lingering on the spot. Not only that, but he found the Levitical boundaries. In no other case have these been found. They were cut in the rock itself not on movable stones in two separate places, in Greek and square Hebrew characters, signifying the -boundary of Gezer." The date seems to be Maccabean." (Quarterly Statementof the "Palestine Exploration Fund," 1874.)

and Joshua smote him Joshua seems to have been content with repulsing his attack, slaying the king, and inflicting a severe defeat upon his people. Gezer itself lay too far northward of his present line of operations to justify its capture.

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