a heap "an everlasting toumbe," Wyclif. Heb. a "Tel," always with the article, The Tel, or Heap. "For a long time modern explorers in vain sought for the site of Ai, where they knew it must have stood. "The inhabitants of the neighbouring villages," writes Canon Williams, "declared repeatedly and emphatically that this was Teland nothing else. I was satisfied that it should be so when, on subsequent reference to the original text of Joshua 8:28, I found it written that -Joshua burnt Ai, and made it a Telfor ever, even a desolation unto this day." There are many Telsin modern Palestine, that land of Tels, even Telwith some other name attached to it to mark the former site. But the site of Ai has no other name -unto this day." It is simply et-Tel= the Heap, -par excellence"."

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