Local traditions

Provoked by Samson's violence, the Philistines made a raid upon Lehi in Judah for the purpose of capturing their enemy. The name of the place was suggestive, and tradition attached to it the story of S."s feat with the -fresh jawbone (lěḥî) of an ass." Popular etymology explained Ramath-lehi, -the height of Lehi" (from rûm), as the place where S. -threw away" (râmâh) the jawbone; a hollow basin in the hill side, which held the water of the -Partridge Spring" (- ên haḳḳôrç"), became the spring which God granted when S. -called" (ḳârâ") for help in his exhaustion. It is noteworthy that the exploit of Shammah, one of David's heroes, also took place at Lehi, 2 Samuel 23:11 (reading unto Lehifor into a troop); cf. also the story of Shamgar, Judges 3:31.

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