Art thou the King of the Jews? St Luke narrates the trial very briefly. The Jewish priests had expected that on their authority Pilate would at once order Him to execution; but, on the contrary, he meant first to hear the case, and asked them what accusation they brought, refusing to accept their bare assertion that He was "a malefactor." Pilate only attends to the thirdcharge, and asks Christ this question on the Roman principle that it was always desirable to secure the confession of the accused. We see from St John (John 18:33) that Jesus had been led intothe Praetorium while His accusers stayed without; that He had not heard their accusations (John 18:34), and that Pilate was now questioning Him at a private examination.

Thou sayest it For a fuller account of the scene read John 18:33-38. It is alluded to in 1 Timothy 6:13.

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