Renewed threat against Nineveh

(1) The bloody city, full of ravin and prey, shall be stormed and sacked. Brilliant picture of the assailing cavalry and chariots (Nahum 3:1). (2) This retribution shall fall on her because of her fornications and sorceries with which she drugged the nations. She shall be exposed like a harlot before the eyes of the peoples (Nahum 3:4). (3) Can she look for a better fate than that of No Amon, which also had the waters for a rampart? (Nahum 3:8). (4) Her defences are broken through, her outworks have fallen, let her prepare for the siege (Nahum 3:12). (5) She is fallen; the merchants that crowded her marts and her people have flown away like a swarm of locusts when the sun is hot. In hatred and disdain men clap their hands over her ruin, for her evil has gone out unto all the world (Nahum 3:15).

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