maketh the hinds to calve Prematurely, in fear; an observed fact. There is no need to emend (though the change required would be very slight), shaketh(or, pierceth) the oaks.

discovereth i.e. as R.V., strippeth the forests bare, of branches, leaves, bark. Discoveris an archaism for uncover(Psalms 18:15, note).

and in his temple&c. R.V., And in his temple everything saith, Glory. It is tempting to understand his templeof heaven and earth, and to regard the line as a summary of the message of the storm; but temple(or, palace) must mean heaven; and the meaning is better given by rendering

While in his temple all are saying, Glory.

This is the chant of the angelic worshippers (Psalms 29:1) as they watch the manifestation of Jehovah's majesty.

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