so many of us, &c. Not implying that some were, and some were not. This is plain from the Gr. AllChristian believers are contemplated; for each his baptism was all this, if a true baptism. This and Romans 6:4 contain the only mentions of Baptism in the Epistle. He refers the converts to their baptism as to the great crisis of their lives, when, having already, by Divine grace, "turned from idols to serve the living God," they made (so to speak) their formal self-surrender to their Redeemer, and received His formal acceptance of them as His own.

into Jesus Christ i.e. so as to belong to Him, to obey Him, and to learn of Him. Cp. the parallel phrase "baptized into Moses," 1 Corinthians 10:2.

into his death i.e. so as to come into special relations with it. We may paraphrase, "into Him as the Slain One." His atoning death was the primary point of apostolic teaching. See 1 Corinthians 15:3.

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