The Burdens of the Word of the Lord. Chaps. 9 14

Abruptly and with no preface beyond the title, The Burden of the Word of the Lord, prefixed to each of them (Zechariah 9:1; Zechariah 12:1), the later prophecies of Zechariah are introduced. Each of the two groups into which they are collected occupies three Chapter s, and each appears to fall into two principal sections.

The First Burden, chaps. 9 11, is principally concerned with the history of the chosen people up to and including the first coming of Christ. Christ on earth is the central figure of each of its two sections. The coming of her King to Zion is the proper subject of the first section, chap. Zechariah 9:10, as His rejection by her, under the title of "Shepherd", is of the second, chap. 11

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