Section Two - 2:1-3

Chapter 2:11-4:16The Church Mystery, the House of God and the Body of Christ

*The Father: First, there is the original state in which we are found by the Father and in which preparations were made according to His will.

*The Son: Then, there is the work of the Son, which brought us into a position of acceptability to the Father.

*The Holy Spirit: Finally, there is the spiritual house into which we are formed by the Holy Spirit, which is the Church. Because we are the beneficiaries of that work, Division Three will present the completion of the plan of our redemption and its revelation to us and to all of the heavenly onlookers. "manifold wisdom of God is made known" to the angelic realms who watch (that "great crowd of witnesses" Hebrews chapter 11). It is they who must learn of God's character from the plan of redemption for man, in which plan they had no place or benefit.

Section One - 2:11,12

Section Two - 2:13-18

Section Three - 2:19-22

Introduction to Section Three

Because we are now joined to Him, we are enclosed entirely within His provision. We have become totally identified with Him and are now members of His household, citizens of heaven, even while still on earth. in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1) life of the Lord Jesus is the criteria for living day-by-day.

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Old Testament