1 Samuel 29:1-7

David challenged by the lords of the Philistines. The lords of the other cities of the Philistines doubted that David would fight against his own people when they actually went into battle. These men requested that Achish, the king of Gath, send David back and not allow him to go into the conflict. Achish was not convinced that David would betray him in the heat of battle, but he yielded to the will of the other Philistine leaders and sent David back from the battlefield.

1 Samuel 29:8-11

David departs from Achish. The Philistine lords of such towns as Ekron, Lachish, Gaza and Gath had met at Aphek along the Mediterranean coast as they prepared to go into battle. David departed from this point and returned toward Ziklag. The Philistines went on to battle near Jezreel.



All things work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28). David must have been in great mental anguish as he found himself in a position where he might be forced to fight against his own people. He had pretended to wage little skirmishes against the south of Judah, but he had not actually done this. He had indicated that he would be loyal to Achish, the king of Gath, who had befriended him and allowed him to dwell in the Philistine city of Ziklag. It is hard for us to believe that David would actually fight against his people and he must have been glad when the Philistine lords insisted that he be sent back from the battlefield. This is apparently the good providence of God that keeps His chosen servants from going too far in the wrong direction.


Lest haply we be found even to fight against God (Acts 5:39 b). In the days when the apostles were threatened by the Jewish leaders one of them had the good common sense to urge his colleagues not to go too far in persecuting Christians lest they themselves be found to fight against God. When we fight against God's people, we fight against God. We are glad that David did not have to fight against his own people. We should be careful that we do not put ourselves in a position where we fight against God's chosen men.



Where were the Philistines gathering together?



Where were the Israelites encamped?



With whom was David going into battle?



Who objected to David's presence?



By what name did the Philistines describe David and his men?



What title did the Philistines use to describe David's relationship to Saul?



Quote the song which the Philistines knew which referred to Saul and David.



To what heavenly being did Achish compare David?



When did David leave the Philistine camp?



Towards what place did the Philistines go?


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