1 Samuel 7:1-2

The Ark in the house of Abinadab. After the men of Beth-shemesh were punished for their lack of respect, they besought the men of Kirjath-jearim to come and get the Ark. This they did. They brought it into the hill country of Judah and placed it in the house of Abinadab. One of the sons of Abinadab, Eleazar by name, was appointed to take care of the Ark.

1 Samuel 7:3-8

Israel purged at Mizpeh. Periodically throughout their history the children of Israel found it necessary to take stock of themselves and give better direction to their lives. Even the patriarch Jacob himself found it necessary to purge his house of idols when he was returning from his sojourn with Laban in Haran (Genesis 35:2-5). When Joshua was bidding farewell to his people, he urged them to choose whether they would serve Jehovah or the false gods that they had learned about in other communities (Joshua 24:23). This same action was necessary before the people could be united behind the leadership of Samuel.

1 Samuel 7:9-17

Israel delivered under Samuel. The judges were not mere interpreters and administrators of the law. They were men upon whom the Spirit of God came when the occasion demanded it. Quite often they were great military leaders who delivered the people when they were attacked by foreign nations. One of Samuel's first acts was to lead the people of Israel in a successful military campaign against the Philistines. When peace and quiet were restored to the land, Samuel went from place to place to assist the people in living in peace in the land,



Making peace with God precedes going to war for God. Before Israel was ready to do battle for the Lord, her inhabitants needed to purge themselves of the graven images and molten idols which had crept into their society. Just as Isaiah did not feel that he was ready to deliver the Lord's message until after his unclean lips had been seared with coals from the altar (Isaiah 6), the soldiers of Israel were not strong enough to carry the battle for God until their weak faith had been bolstered. The individual Christian today feels that he is impotent when the besetting sins of his life have not been ferreted out and forgiven by the grace of God and the advocacy of the Son of God,


God helps His followers to fight their battles. God fought for Israel. He thundered with a great thunder on the day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them (1 Samuel 7:10). In a very real way, the abiding presence of God assists those who wrestle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).



Who was appointed to take care of the ark?



How long was the ark left with him?



What two generic names are given to false gods?



What office did Samuel fulfill in Israel?



Where did Samuel assemble Israel?



Who attacked Israel while they were assembled?



What did the Israelites ask Samuel to do for them?



What did Samuel offer as a burnt offering?



What new name did Samuel give to the place?



At what places did Samuel judge Israel?


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