2 Samuel 7:1-11

David's desire to build a temple thwarted. David wanted to build a temple as a place of worship for God's people. Nathan the prophet was in favor of this at first but God told him that this was not to be David's privilege.

2 Samuel 7:12-17

God's covenant with David. Nathan the prophet came to David with the announcement that it was not to be his privilege to build the temple. He also told him that God would bless his house for generations to come. It was promised of David that there would not cease to be a man out of his loins to sit on the throne of Judah as long as there was a kingdom of Judah.

2 Samuel 7:18-29

David's response to the Lord's will. David went in and sat before the Lord when he heard of His will for his life (2 Samuel 7:18). His disappointment over not being able to build a temple did not keep him from accepting God's will for his life.



God does not dwell in a house of stone. David's purpose of building a temple was admirable, but God told him that He had not dwelt in any house since the time that He had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt (2 Samuel 7:6). When it was the Lord's will to have a temple as a center for worship, He made it known to the man who was to build it. Until it was his intention, God would not let man's pride or ambition take precedence. We need to remember that it is not necessary to have a grand building as a center of worship.


God knows best. The things that God did for David were much better for him than would have been the glory he achieved by building the temple. The fact that the House of David was established as the ruling house as long as the kingdom stood was a much greater blessing. When God refuses our requests, He always has something better in mind for us.


Thy will be done (Matthew 6:10). Jesus taught His disciples to pray in this way. This was David's prayer as he went in and sat down before the Lord. He gave God thanks for the blessings He had promised to him. He was willing for God's will to be done in his life. Christians need to have this same attitude.



To what prophet did David tell of his plan to build a temple?



In what had the Ark been housed?



Of what material was David's house made?



Did God permit David to build the Temple?



Whom did God want to build the Temple?



What posture did David take as he prayed?



What title did David give himself as he prayed?



Out of what country had Israel been redeemed?



What title did David give to God?



In what way did David describe God's word?


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