Joshua 19:1-9

The inheritance of Simeon. Simeon received land within the boundaries of the territory of Judah. Jacob had said of Simeon and Levi, I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel (Genesis 49:7 b). Apparently this prediction of God's future dealings with Simeon was partially fulfilled when the men of Simeon received inheritance within the borders of another tribe. Generally speaking, Simeon inherited land within a twenty-mile radius around Beersheba. A number of cities are mentioned as being within the land which fell to this tribe, cities like Ziklag, Ramah, Moladah, and Sharuhen.

Joshua 19:10-16

The inheritance of Zebulun. The tribe of Zebulun received land in Galilee, with boundaries along the Kishon River on the south, the tribe of Asher on the west, and the tribe of Naphtali on the north and east. The village of Nazareth, not listed at this time but made famous in New Testament times because the home of Joseph and Mary which was there, was in the territory of Zebulun, The land was varied, reaching on the east almost to the Sea of Galilee and on the west to the foot of Mount Carmel, Fertile plains were broken by mountain ranges, and little streams watered it well.

Joshua 19:17-23

The inheritance of Issachar. A general outline of the territory of Issachar would be achieved by drawing a line from Mount Carmel east to the Jordan River over Mount Gilboa to form the southern boundary and another line from Mount Carmel east to the Jordan River over Mount Tabor to form the northern boundary. The land lay south and east of the land belonging to Zebulun and north of the eastern half of the territory of Manasseh. Within Issachar's borders were such important cities as Jezreel, Shunem, En-gannim, and Tabor. The territory was very rich in mineral resources and was mostly fertile soil, the plain of Jezreel being famous for its fertility.

Joshua 19:24-31

The Inheritance of Asher. Asher received land along the Mediterranean seacoast. The land lay north of Mount Carmel and stretched all the way to the borders of Tyre. Asher's territory extended inland about half the distance to the Sea of Galilee and the upper waters of the Jordan River. The land was rich, and the people of Asher were so far north that they engaged in commerce with the great Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon and were not as active in the affairs of Israel as were some of the other tribes. It is interesting to notice that Anna, the prophetess who was in the Temple at the time of Jesus-' presentation, was of this tribe (Luke 2:36).

Joshua 19:32-39

The inheritance of Napbtali. Naphtali also received land in Galilee. On the west was Asher; on the south, Zebulun and Issachar; on the east, the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River; and on the north, the region of Hamath. Naphtali and Asher thus received the northernmost land which was allocated to Israel.

Joshua 19:40-48

The inheritance of Dan. Dan's territory was perhaps the smallest of all; but it was known as the garden spot of southern Palestine. Dan was situated on the Mediterranean seacoast, and the territory extended inland to the western boundary of the land of Benjamin. Thus the borders were Ephraim on the north; Benjamin on the east; Judah on the south; and the Mediterranean Sea on the west. Joppa was an important town on Dan's border, and the tribe became famous in Bible history as the homeland of Samson.

Joshua 19:49-51

The inheritance of Joshua. The Israelites gave Joshua an inheritance in the midst of them. It is said that it was given him according to the word of the Lord. This does not refer to a divine oracle, but to a promise which Joshua had probably received from God at the same time as Caleb. It was only fitting and proper for these people to give a place for their leader to live. God's promises are always fulfilled. God had told Abraham that He would make of him a great nation. He told him at one time that He would make his children as numerous as the sands on the seashore. Over 300,000 men of war, twenty years of age and older, were counted among these tribes whose inheritances are listed in this chapter. God had, furthermore, promised Jacob that the land whereon he lay around Beth-el would be given to his descendants. Under Joshua's administration, this promise was also fulfilled.



To each according to his several ability (Matthew 25:15 b). In the parable of the talents, Jesus taught us that God gives to each of us according to his ability. The land given to the tribes of Israel was suited to their needs, Not only did Joshua, their military leader, and Eleazar, their priest, use their best judgment in making these assignments; but they asked for God's guidance in the matter. They cast the sacred lots in determining the portions to be given to each of the tribes, and in this chapter we read of the completion of this work.


Last but not least. When they had made an end of distributing the land for an inheritance by the borders of it to all the children of Israel, the people made proper provision for Joshua, the son of Nun; and they gave him an inheritance in the midst of them. The grand warrior of God had led them from victory unto victory. He had also guided and inspired them until they had completed the work of settling the land. Their giving him a place to dwell in their midst was a fitting reward for his years of faithful service. In addition, as the text points out, it was according to the commandment of the Lord. Since Joshua was a member of the tribe of Ephraim, his inheritance was appropriately in the hill country of Ephraim, where he built a city and lived in it.


Let all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). This injunction was given to the Christians in Corinth, but it is a principle which has always been applicable to God's work. The orderliness of the processes by which God called the universe into being according to the Biblical record (Genesis 1) has amazed and intrigued the keenest scientific minds. The arrangements made for Israel's encampment and marching during the wilderness wanderings explains a part of the process by which God forged a nation out of a band of emancipated slaves (Numbers 2-4). The way in which God directed the orderly allotment of land to the tribes of Israel is another incident which elicits reverence from all God-fearing people.



In the midst of which tribe did Simeon receive an inheritance?


What city was central in Simeon's portion?


What was Asher's western border?


What two famous Phoenician cities were in Asher's territory?


What was Dan's west border?


What was the name of the town Joshua built?


In which tribe was Joshua's inheritance?


Who was priest in Joshua's day?


In what town were the leaders when they made the assignments?


How many tribes were mentioned as receiving a portion in this chapter?

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