God's Faithfulness is demonstrated:


IN HIS FIDELITY TO THE FATHERS, (v. 1) God had promised Abraham that in him should all the families of the earth be blessed. He had sworn with an oath to David that He would set one of his descendants upon his throne forever. The genealogy of Jesus proves the marvellous fulfilment of God's promises. God can be completely trusted. Isaiah-s prophecy came true in the most astounding way.



ALL that is seen of Joseph reveals a guileless Israelite, especially in his decision haw he would divorce Mary. It was the only righteous thing to do, yet God had other plans. Even after the vision of the angel, Joseph yet had to decide whether he would take the risk that was clearly involved and trust God to do what He had said. The obedience of Joseph (Matthew 1:24-25) is a heroic demonstration of faith. God fully justified Joseph's decision by bringing to pass what He had promised.


A. JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins

B. Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:23) (Matthew 1:21)

What this means:

These three demonstrations of God's trustworthiness mean something! We learn something of the character of God:

A. God's fidelity to the fathers means that however distant may seem the fulfilment of His promises, however unlikely and visionary, God always keeps His Word. God has promised His Church many precious, glowing gifts both present and future, Though we may never live to see them personally received in our lifetime' is no indication at all that they are not sure and forthcoming,
B. God's Justification of Joseph teaches us that the doubts, fears and perplexities of His people may be turned into God's advantage and into a clear manifestation of His own glory, as well as to His people. God is therefore to be trusted even though we do not understand the reason for OUT doubts and frustrations. The obedience of Joseph illustrates the lesson that from the time a man is sure he has understood God's Word for his case he must dispute his doubts no more, but shut his ears to all human reasoning and obey God.
C. God's Son's Salvation of Sinners shows two significant truths:


God has shown us the true character of sin by presenting it in such a light that we should hate it in our own souls and cry to be saved from it, If God took on human flesh to deal personally, finally and mercifully with sinners and die for sin, then how unspeakably evil sin must be!


God has shown us the true character of His fellowship. The great secret of our Christian joy lies in this fact that we do not believe in an absent God. Rather we serve one who is ever present ever so much more, since Jesus came as our Immanuel, God with us.

Try to grasp what these great truths mean and then see what they do to you!

A. They ought to make us humble. If the Son of God, King of Kings and Lord of Glory, chose to come to this earth in the lowliest manner; if He chose a manger to be born in, a working man's home in which to live, the commonest food and clothing; and if He did all this just to die for sinners so that God could deal with men through grace, then, we have no basis for pride. We have all been one of the class of moral lepers and all our best righteousness was just make-believe. (Romans 6:21-22)

B. God's being ever with us to save and sustain us ought to make us brave. If God be for us and with us, who can stand against us? No temptation will ever be too strong to be conquered, no difficulty will ever be tm hard to be surmounted by us who know that Jesus our Immanuel is God with us.
C. What God has done in Christ ought to make us love men- all men-in spite of what they are. Look on your fellow-men and learn, from God's coming in the flesh, to respect man, every man, as wearing the flesh that Jesus wore.

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