Matthew 16:1

PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES. See note on Matthew 3:7. THEY WANTED TO TRAP HIM. They had already made up their minds about Jesus, and they had rejected the miracles he had just done. Now they ask for a "sign from heaven" which only God could do to "prove" to them that he works by God's power. (_See_ 1 CO... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:2,3

BUT JESUS ANSWERED. He reminds them of what they already know that the signs in the sky indicate what the weather will be like. BUT YOU CANNOT INTERPRET THE SIGNS. They could "read" the weather in the sky, but they were "blind" to the signs concerning these times. Old Testament prophecies were comin... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:5

WHEN THE DISCIPLES CROSSED OVER. To the eastern shore of Lake Galilee. THEY FORGOT TO TAKE ANY BREAD. They were going to Caesarea Philippi and would need extra food, since they were going through a deserted area. Mark says they had one loaf, but no extra (Mark 8:14-21).... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:6

THE YEAST OF THE PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES. Their need for bread gave the opportunity for this teaching. "Influence" spreads like yeast, and the influence of the Pharisees and Sadducees was evil. [Mark says: _"of Herod."_ Herod and his followers were Sadducees.]... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:7-11

THEY STARTED DISCUSSING AMONG THEMSELVES. The disciples felt guilty about their carelessness, and this was all they could think about so they really did not listen to what Jesus was saying. They thought that they were being scolded because they forgot to bring extra bread. HOW IS IT THAT YOU DON'T U... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:13

NEAR THE TOWN OF CAESAREA PHILIPPI. Near Mount Hermon in north-east Palestine. Herod Philip rebuilt this town and called it "Caesarea Philippi" to honor himself, also to avoid confusion with Caesarea on the coast of the Mediterranean. _Who do they say the Son of Man is?_ "Son of Man" is a favorite e... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:14

SOME SAY JOHN THE BAPTIST. Who had been killed by Herod Antipas a few months before. This Herod seemed to think John the Baptist had come back to life and was now able to work miracles (Matthew 14:2). Many of the people seemed to believe this also [likely those who had never seen John]. OTHERS SAY E... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:15

WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? This is the KEY question which every human being must answer for themself. The disciples must declare their faith.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:16

SIMON PETER ANSWERED. He spoke immediately, putting into words what the others believed also, YOU ARE THE MESSIAH, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. This declaration says that Jesus is both the Messiah (Christ means the same thing) and Divine [God in human form _see_ John 1:1-5]. What Peter declares here,... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:17

GOOD FOR YOU, SIMON, SON OF JOHN. Jesus here gives Peter's full name to emphasize what he is saying. BECAUSE THIS TRUTH. Human reasoning did not tell him this. The Jews did not expect the Messiah to be Divine. No one can make this declaration from the heart unless the Holy Spirit has revealed this t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:18

YOU ARE A ROCK, PETER. Jesus gave the name Peter to this Simon, son of John (John 1:42). "Peter" means a single stone. AND ON THE ROCK FOUNDATION. Here Jesus uses a word that means a large mass of solid rock the "rock foundation." Peter's confession in Matthew 16:16 clearly identifies this "rock fou... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:19

THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. This is part of the thought in Matthew 16:18. Keys are used to open doors. Peter formally opened the doors to the church: (1) to the Jews, on Pentecost (_Acts 2_); (2) to the Gentiles just seven years later (_Acts 10)._ All that is said here to Peter is said to all... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:20

NOT TO TELL. The apostles had too many wrong ideas still in their heads to properly teach his Messiahship. Also, he came to die as our sin-offering (Luke 9:31), and it was to be after he raised from death that repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached in his name (Luke 24:46-47).... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:21

FROM THAT TIME ON. He had to prepare them for the great shock of the Cross. [They still thought he would be a political ruler.] SUFFER MUCH. Making _Isaiah 53_ come true. THE ELDERS, THE CHIEF PRIESTS, AND THE TEACHERS OF THE LAW. The Jewish leadership. These are the "Jews" who opposed Jesus. ON THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:22

PETER TOOK HIM ASIDE. Peter strongly rebukes Jesus, because he expects Jesus to become an earthly King. The crucifixion would destroy Peter's hopes.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:23

GET AWAY FROM ME, SATAN! Peter's very human ideas came from the Devil. This is a temptation to bypass the Cross (compare Matthew 4:9-10).... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:24

IF ANYONE WANTS TO COME WITH ME. This is what it will cost to follow Jesus and be his disciple. HE MUST FORGET HIMSELF. He must be willing to say "No" to human goals. CARRY HIS CROSS. Luke adds: "_everyday."_ The cross is the symbol of making ourself a "living sacrifice" (Romans 12:1-2) by using his... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:25

FOR WHOEVER. If you repudiate Christ to save your earthly life, you will forfeit your life eternally. If you lose your earthly life for the sake of Christ and his Kingdom, you will find life in eternity.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:26

WILL A MAN GAIN ANYTHING? This is still part of the same thought. Power, money, popularity, and pleasure mean nothing to a dying man! [The same Greek word PSUCHE is translated both "life" and "soul," according to the text where it is found.] THERE IS NOTHING A MAN CAN GIVE. If a man had the total wo... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:27

FOR THE SON OF MAN IS ABOUT TO COME. This emphasizes the _fact_ that Christ will come in Judgment! He will come the second time as the Judge of all earth (Acts 17:31).... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 16:28

REMEMBER THIS! What he says in this verse applies to the coming of his spiritual Kingdom on Pentecost. _See_ Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:16; Acts 2:36, It was to come in the normal lifetime of some who heard him there that day. Mark says: _"There are some here who will not die until they have seen... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament