1._These are the words. _These two latter passages properly belong to
the _supplements, _wherein God afterwards more clearly and familiarly
illustrated the Law previously given by Him; they comprehend also
exhortations, by which He subdued the people’s minds to obedience,
and eulogies, by which He c... [ Continue Reading ]
6._The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb. _In this Second Narration,
Moses expressly declares that God not only gave them a visible sign,
by uplifting the cloud, but that He also verbally commanded the people
to leave Mount Sinai, and to set about the performance of the rest of
their journey. God sa... [ Continue Reading ]
9._And I spoke unto you at that time. _He does not here say that the
counsel was suggested to him from another quarter, as to the
appointment of the judges; but, perhaps, he dared not mention any name
to these proud and perverse people, lest they should reject the thing
which was otherwise good, fro... [ Continue Reading ]
13._Take you wise men. _Hence it more plainly appears that those who
were to preside in judgment were not appointed only by the will of
Moses, but. elected by the votes of the people. And this is the most
desirable kind c f liberty, that we should not be compelled to obey
every’ person who may be ty... [ Continue Reading ]
16._And I charged your judges. _This charge is not found in Exodus
18:0, where the only object of Moses was to point out the origin of
the alteration; but now omitting the praise of his father-in-law, he
merely recalls to the recollection of the Israelites what he did with
them. The sum, however, of... [ Continue Reading ]
27._And ye murmured in your tents. _Elsewhere he says that they also
wept; here he only speaks of their murmuring, which better suited his
reproof. He then reminds them how malignant had been their ingratitude
and perversity in upbraiding God on account of the special blessing
which He had conferred... [ Continue Reading ]
29._Then I said unto you, Dread not. _He here omits the address of
Caleb and Joshua: since he only states briefly the heads of what he
had spoken to the people. He merely shows that, when he endeavored to
recall them to their right senses, his efforts and pains were
ineffectual. Moreover, he reasons... [ Continue Reading ]
31._And it, the wilderness where thou hast seen. _The constant course
of God’s grace is here commemorated; from whence they might safely
infer, that He, who had pursued them with so many benefits, would
still be the same in this crowning act. He, therefore, uses the image
of _bearing, _because the w... [ Continue Reading ]
32._Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord. He _signifies that
they had been most prejudiced observers of the works of God, since His
power, so often experienced and. so thoroughly understood, had not
aroused them to confidence in Him. For in the word דבר, _dabar,
_which we have translated _t... [ Continue Reading ]
34._And the Lord heard the voice of your words. _I have shown
elsewhere what is meant by God’s hearing, _i.e., _that nothing can
be concealed from Him, but that tie will take account of and judge all
our words and deeds And this is worthy of our observation; for men
would never dare to murmur agains... [ Continue Reading ]
37._Also the Lord was angry with me. _It is in no cowardly spirit that
he transfers to them the guilt of unfaithfulness, which he had
confessed for himself; but, since he had only fallen in consequence of
being overwhelmed by their obstinate wickedness, he justly reproaches
them with the fact that G... [ Continue Reading ]
39._Moreover, your little ones. _I have already shown that God so
tempered His judgment that, whilst none of the guilty should escape
with impunity, still His faithfulness should remain sure and
inviolable, and that the wickedness of men should not make void the
covenant which He had made with Abrah... [ Continue Reading ]
41._Then ye answered and said unto me. _The repentance was too late,
which impelled the Israelites to their unseasonable effort of
activity; although, as I have above explained, they did not truly and
seriously repent, since, when they ought patiently to have borne the
chastening of God, they endeav... [ Continue Reading ]
45._And ye returned and wept before the Lord. _He here appeals to the
testimony of their own conscience; for they never would have been
brought to weeping and prayers, except by the force of their own
feelings. Since, then, they were abundantly convinced, that a just
punishment was inflicted upon th... [ Continue Reading ]