4_Ye shall not do so unto the Lord your God. _The principal
distinction, as far as regards the external exercises of devotion, is
here laid down between the legitimate worship of God, and all the
fictitious rites which the Gentiles have invented; viz., that God
would have but one sanctuary and one a... [ Continue Reading ]
5_But unto the place which the Lord your God shall choose. _It is
asked why God would have sacrifices offered to Him only on one altar?
Besides the reason which I have lately advanced, it is not to be
doubted but that He in this way had regard to believers, that He might
cherish in them an agreement... [ Continue Reading ]
7_And there shall ye eat. _We see that the sanctuary in which God
manifested Himself is called His face; (105) for, although believers
are taught that always, wherever they dwell, they walk before God; yet
they placed themselves nearer, and in some special manner in His
sight, when they approached H... [ Continue Reading ]
8_Ye shall not do after all. _Even then they observed the rite of
sacrifice handed down to them from the fathers; but since as yet they
were wandering in the desert, it was lawful for them to build altars
anywhere, until an end should be put to their journeyings. And this
Moses expressly declares, a... [ Continue Reading ]
10._But when ye go over Jordan. _This verse confirms what I have
before said, that the Jews were constrained to a certain rule as soon
as they should have reached the promised land; and yet that the place
in which the Ark was perpetually to rest, would not be immediately
manifested to them; for what... [ Continue Reading ]
Deuteronomy 12:15._Notwithstanding thou mayest kill_. What precedes I
have introduced in its proper place, viz., that they should not kill
the sacrifices anywhere but in the sanctuary, of which there was only
one in Judea. Here the permission to eat meat is given, provided that
they do not offer the... [ Continue Reading ]
23._Only be _(21) _sure that thou eat not_. It is not without cause
that he earnestly exhorts them to inflexible firmness, because it was
both a matter trifling in appearance, and its observation troublesome,
whilst it was easy to decline from it on account of the universal
example of the Gentiles.... [ Continue Reading ]
26_Only thy holy things. _This passage more clearly explains what was
meant by the foregoing precepts, viz., that but one place was set
apart for the performance of their sacred rites, lest, if each should
offer wherever it pleased him, religion should be corrupted, and by
degrees the various altars... [ Continue Reading ]
Here, again, God invites the obedience of the people by the promise of
reward; not that the hope of reward at all avails in itself to arouse
men, but because He would thus keep all under the conviction of their
just condemnation: for how will it help them to answer that they are
not sufficient to pe... [ Continue Reading ]
29._When the Lord thy God shall cut off. _This passage has some
affinity to that in the eighteenth chapter of Deuteronomy, which we
have already remarked on. For inasmuch as it was easy for the people
to lapse into the imitation of the Gentiles, and to worship their
false gods, under whose protectio... [ Continue Reading ]
31._Thou shalt not do so. _From these words we may gather what it is
not to make to one’s self the gods of others, viz., to bid farewell
to all the inventions of men, and to pay attention to this one thing
— what God commands. For why does God desire to be worshipped by His
elect people, otherwise t... [ Continue Reading ]
32._What thing soever I command. _In this brief clause he teaches that
no other service of God is lawful, except that of which He has
testified His approval in His word, and that obedience is as it were
the mother of piety; as if he had said that all modes of devotion are
absurd and infected with su... [ Continue Reading ]