2._If there be found among you. _The same punishment is here decreed
against idolaters, to which apostates had been before condemned; and
thus either transgression is declared a capital crime. Hence we gather
that it is accounted before God no less weighty a sin to violate His
worship by gross and i... [ Continue Reading ]
4._Then three shalt inquire _(307) _diligently. _Although this
moderation here refers only to the present matter, yet should it
always be maintained in judicial proceedings, lest innocent persons
should be treated with undue severity. Again, we must remember what I
have said elsewhere, that judges a... [ Continue Reading ]
As His severity in exacting punishment, where murder has been
unquestionably committed, shows how highly God rates the life of men,
so the qualification, which we find here, declares, that he takes
equal care for the preservation of innocent blood. For, since too
great credulity would often impel th... [ Continue Reading ]
7._The hands of the witnesses shall be first. _It was not without
reason that God would have criminals put to death by the hand of those
by whose testimony they were condemned. The ancient people did not
employ public executioners, that there might be more solemnity,
modesty, and reverence in the in... [ Continue Reading ]
8_If there arise a matter too hard for thee. _The principal office of
the priests is here described under a single head, viz., that they
should declare what was right in doubtful and obscure matters out of
the Law of God; for although God seems only to refer to civil
controversies, yet there is no d... [ Continue Reading ]
He pronounces a similar punishment on those who shall have
contumaciously rejected the judgment of the priests. We have already
seen that the prophetical office was united with the priesthood;
since, according to Malachi 2:4, the covenant of God was with Levi,
that his descendants might be the guard... [ Continue Reading ]
13._And all the people. _He shews from the object of the enactment why
the proud despisers (of the priests) were not to be spared; for
punishments have reference to common example, whilst, on the other
hand, impunity is a bait to sin, and the nurse of unbridled
licentiousness. And, assuredly, when H... [ Continue Reading ]
14._When thou art come unto the land. _In this passage God sets forth
the merits of that sacerdotal kingdom, of which mention is made
elsewhere; for, since the splendor of the royal name might dazzle
their eyes, so that they should forget that God retained the
sovereignty over them, they are thus ea... [ Continue Reading ]
15._Thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee. _First of all, God
maintains His own supremacy in the appointment of a king, and does not
consign the matter to the people’s own suffrages; that thus He may
chastise their audacity in demanding a king in accordance with a hasty
impulse. Secondly, He... [ Continue Reading ]
16_But he shall not multiply horses. _The royal power is here
circumscribed within certain limits, lest it should exalt itself too
much in reliance on the glory of its dignity, (70) For we know how
insatiable are the desires of kings, inasmuch as they imagine that all
things are lawful to them. Ther... [ Continue Reading ]
17_Neither shall he multiply wives to himself. _Polygamy at that time
had generally prevailed, so that the very humblest of the people
violated the marriage vow with impunity; and therefore it was
necessary that the kings should be bound with closer restrictions,
lest by their example they should gi... [ Continue Reading ]
18._And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne. _It would not be
enough to correct their errors unless kings were also instructed in
the fear of God, and properly taught their duty; now, therefore, a
system of discipline is added, whereby it was profitable for them to
be grounded in the study... [ Continue Reading ]