Although what relates to divorce was granted in indulgence to the
Jews, yet Christ pronounces that it was never in accordance with the
Law, because it is directly repugnant to the first institution of God,
from whence a perpetual and inviolable rule is to be sought. It is
proverbially said that the... [ Continue Reading ]
The immunity here given has for its object the awakening of that
mutual love which may preserve the conjugal fidelity of husband and
wife; for there is danger lest, if a husband departs from his wife
immediately after marriage, the bride, before she has become
thoroughly accustomed to him, should be... [ Continue Reading ]
Deuteronomy 24:6_No man shall take the nether_. God now enforces
another principle of equity in relation to loans, (not to be too
strict (107)) in requiring pledges, whereby the poor are often
exceedingly distressed. In the first place, He prohibits the taking of
anything in pledge which is necessar... [ Continue Reading ]
The same punishment is here deservedly denounced against man-stealers
as against murderers; for, so wretched was the condition of slaves,
that liberty was more than half of life; and hence to deprive a man of
such a great blessing, was almost to destroy him. Besides, it is not
man-stealing only whic... [ Continue Reading ]
8._Take heed in the plague of leprosy_. I am aware how greatly
interpreters differ from each other and how variously they twist
whatever Moses has written about Leprosy. Some are too eagerly devoted
to allegories; some think that God, as a prudent Legislator, merely
gave a commandment of a sanitary,... [ Continue Reading ]
10._When thou dost lend thy brother anything _He provides against
another iniquity in reclaiming a pledge, viz., that the creditor
should ransack the house and furniture of his brother, in order to
pick out the pledge at his pleasure. For, if this option were given to
the avaricious rich, they would... [ Continue Reading ]
14._Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant_. This precept is akin to
the foregoing. Moses pronounces that he who has hired a poor person
for wages oppresses him unless he gives him immediate recompense for
his labor; since the two admonitions, “thou shalt; not; oppress,”
and “_thou _shalt give him... [ Continue Reading ]
Here also God manifests how great is His regard for human life, so
that blood should not be shed indiscriminately, when he forbids that
children should be involved in the punishment of their parents. Nor
was this Law by any means supererogatory, because on account of one
man’s crime his whole race w... [ Continue Reading ]
God here inculcates liberality upon the possessors of land, when their
fruits are gathered: for, when His bounty is exercised before our
eyes, it invites us to imitate Him; and it is a sign of ingratitude,
unkindly and maliciously, to withhold what we derive from His
blessing. God does not indeed re... [ Continue Reading ]