1._Now, therefore, hearken, O Israel. _He requires the people to be
teachable, in order that they may learn to serve God; for the
beginning of a good and upright life is to know what is pleasing to
God. From hence, then, does Moses commence commanding them to be
attentive in seeking direction from t... [ Continue Reading ]
3._Your eyes have seen what the Lord did. _This enlargement more
clearly shews that so conspicuous was the example given in the
punishment, that it could not be hidden from even the most ignorant;
for Moses does not here address those of refined judgment, but the
common people generally, who had onl... [ Continue Reading ]
6._Keep therefore, and do them. _In order that they may set themselves
more cheerfully about the keeping of the Law, and may proceed more
steadily in this endeavor, he reminds them that nothing is better or
more desirable for themselves. For God is not duly honored, except
with ready minds and volut... [ Continue Reading ]
7._For what nation is there so great? _Moses now repeats in his own
name what he had stated in the person of others, as if to shew by
additional reasons, that not without cause would the Jews be
celebrated in the whole world, because it would actually appear that
none were equal to them. He mentions... [ Continue Reading ]
9._Only take heed to thyself _The same particle, רק, _rak, _of which
I have just spoken, is used here, and its meaning in this place is, as
if Moses had said, that this _only _remained; unless it is preferred
to translate it _nevertheless. _What follows means literally “Guard
_(custodi) _thyself, an... [ Continue Reading ]
10._The day _(227) _that thou stoodest. _The word _day _might be taken
in the accusative, as if in apposition. It is, at any rate, clear that
he explains more fully what he had briefly alluded to before, for he
summons the people as eye-witnesses, lest, perchance, they should
object that they were n... [ Continue Reading ]
11_And ye came near, and stood. _This explanatory narrative is
intended to prove the same thing, viz., that Moses was only the
ambassador and minister of God, because the mountain burned in the
sight of all the people, that God might be manifested, speaking from
the midst of the fire. His statement... [ Continue Reading ]
Deuteronomy 4:12._And the Lord spake unto you. _It is a confirmation
of the Second Commandment, that God manifested Himself to the
Israelites by a voice, and not in a bodily form; whence it follows
that those who are not contented with His voice, but seek His visible
form, substitute imaginations an... [ Continue Reading ]
19._And lest thou lift up thine eyes. _Moses proceeds further, lest
the Jews should imagine any divinity in the sun, and moon, and stars;
nor does he only recall them from the error with which many were
imbued, (96) thinking that these were so many gods; but also
anticipates another superstition, le... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Furthermore, the Lord was angry with me. _He again records that it
arose from the transgression of the people that he was not permitted
to enter the land, not by way of expostulation, and much less in order
to accuse God of cruelty, as if he had been improperly and unjustly
substituted as a crim... [ Continue Reading ]
23._Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget. _There is no
contradiction in the sense, that he should first of all altogether
forbid that idols should be made; and, secondly, speak only of
worshipping and adoring them; for it is already in itself a wicked
error to attribute any image to God; and an... [ Continue Reading ]
25._When thou shalt beget children, and children’s children_.
Although at the outset he only adverts to idolatry, yet, inasmuch as
he thence takes occasion to inveigh generally against the
transgressors of the Law, and denounces punishment against them, I
have thought it advisable to introduce this... [ Continue Reading ]
29._But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord_. In this passage also
he exhorts and encourages them in the confidence of obtaining pardon,
and thus anticipates them, so that they might not be overwhelmed with
sorrow when smitten by God’s hand; for despair awakens such rage in
the wretched that the... [ Continue Reading ]
30._When thou art in tribulation_. He here shews the advantage of
punishments, on the ground of their usefulness and profit; for what
the Apostle says is confirmed by experience, that
“no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous;
nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable... [ Continue Reading ]
32._For ask now. _Moses here more forcibly extols and pronounces
magnificent praises upon the miracles which he had before more simply
related to have taken place at the promulgation of the Law, his object
being to produce a fuller conviction of its dignity. He magnifies,
too, by comparison, the tes... [ Continue Reading ]
33._Did ever people hear? _He points out more openly the greatness and
extraordinary transcendency of the matter which he has just mentioned,
viz., that they heard the voice of God speaking out of the fire. It is
true, indeed, that the superstitions of the Gentiles had been
confirmed of old by many... [ Continue Reading ]
35._Unto thee it was shewed. _He first says that God had so proved His
divinity by miracles and prodigies, that the Israelites might know
certainly that He was God. Whence, too, he concludes that He is the
only God; for although God’s holy name be torn in pieces by various
opinions, whilst each one... [ Continue Reading ]
37._And because he loved. _These words admit of two meanings; for the
copulative conjunction stands at the beginning of the verse, —
“_And _because he loved thy fathers,” and also before the next
clause, “and he chose their seed;” the reasons here assigned
might, therefore, be taken in connection wi... [ Continue Reading ]
39._Know therefore this day. _He again inculcates what we have lately
spoken of, that the glory of the one true God was proved by the
miracles, but he does so by way of exhortation. For he desires them
carefully and attentively to consider what God had shewn them, because
in so plain a matter there... [ Continue Reading ]
God had destined, as we have before seen, (221) six cities for refuge,
in case any one had killed a man, provided he could prove his
innocence before the judges. As to the three which He had appointed on
the other side of Jordan, Moses records that he had faithfully
performed what God had commanded.... [ Continue Reading ]
44._And this is the Law. _This last passage refers to the same thing,
viz., that the Law was promulgated anew when the people had now
reached the threshold of the promised land, in order that they might
be more disposed to obedience, especially when the two tribes and a
half had now, by the conquest... [ Continue Reading ]