Exodus 20:1

1._And God spoke. _I am aware that many agree in reading this verse and the next in connection with each other, and thus making them together the first of the ten commandments. Others taking them separately, consider the affirmation to stand in the place of one entire commandment; but since God neit... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:3

Exodus 20:3_Thou shalt have no other gods before me. _In this commandment God enjoins that He alone should be worshipped, and requires a worship free from all superstition. For although it seems to be a simple prohibition, yet must we deduce an affirmation from the negative, as will be more apparent... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:4

4._Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. _In the First Commandment, after He had taught who was the true God, He commanded that He alone should e worshipped; and now He defines what is His Legitimate Worship. Now, since these are two distinct things, we conclude that the commandments are a... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:7

Exodus 20:7._Thou shalt not take the name. _There is a manifest _synecdoche _in this Commandment; for in order that God may procure for His name its due reverence, He forbids its being taken in vain, especially in oaths. Whence we infer on the other hand an affirmative commandment, that every oath s... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:8

Exodus 20:8._Remember the Sabbath-day. _The object of this Commandment is that believers should exercise themselves in the worship of God; for we know how prone men are to fall into indifference, unless they have some props to lean on or some stimulants to arouse them in maintaining their care and z... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:10

10._Thou shalt not do any work. _That is, whatever could have been finished yesterday, or postponed till to-morrow. (For instance, (333)) it was not lawful for judges to give a hearing to two litigants; but if any one had violently assaulted his neighbor, it was allowable to prevent the injury, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:11

11._For in six days the Lord made. _From this passage it may be probably conjectured that the hallowing of the Sabbath was prior to the Law; and undoubtedly what Moses has before narrated, that they were forbidden to gather the manna on the seventh day, seems to have had its origin from a well-known... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:12

I am not ignorant that the Tables of the Law are usually divided in a different manner; (1) for those, who make only one of the first two Commandments, are obliged finally to mangle the last. Thus the prohibition of God to covet either our neighbor’s wife or his house, is foolishly separated into tw... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:13

The sum of this Commandment is, that we should not unjustly do violence to any one. In order, however, that God may the better restrain us from all injury of others, He propounds one particular form of it, from which men’s natural sense is abhorrent; for we all detest murder, so as to recoil from th... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:14

Although one kind of impurity is alone referred to, it is sufficiently plain, from the principle laid down, that believers are generally exhorted to chastity; for, if the Law be a perfect rule of holy living, it would be more than absurd to give a license for fornication, adultery alone being except... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:15

Since charity is the end of the Law, we must seek the definition of theft from thence. This, then, is the rule of charity, that every one’s rights should be safely preserved, and that none should do to another what he would not have done to himself. It follows, therefore, that not only are those thi... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:16

G od here makes a provision for every man’s character and good name, lest any should be undeservedly weighed down by calumnies and false accusations. The same _synecdoche _exists here, which I have pointed out in the previous Commandments, for God comprises many things under a single head. With refe... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:17

Exodus 20:17._Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife_. There is no question but that this Commandment extends also to those that have preceded it. God had already sufficiently forbidden us to set our hearts on the property of others, to attempt the seduction of their wives, or to seek for gain at... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:24

24._An altar of earth thou shalt make. _This precept differs from the other, which I have just explained; because although it refers to the choice of a place, (111) yet the mention of a place is omitted, and it only touches upon the material and form of the altar. God, therefore, commands that an al... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 20:26

26._Neither shalt thou go up. _When God had prescribed modesty to the priests in their whole life, and in their private actions, no wonder that He should require especial care of decency and propriety in the performance of their sacred duties. He had indeed already desired that the priests should we... [ Continue Reading ]

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