Exodus 7:1

1._And the Lord said unto Moses. _Moses again repeats, that consolation was afforded him in his anxiety, and a remedy given for his want of faith; since he was both armed himself with divine authority, and Aaron was appointed as his companion and assistant. For that he was “made a god to Pharaoh,” m... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:3

3._And I will harden. _As the expression is somewhat harsh, many commentators, as I have before said, take pains to soften it. Hence it is that some take the words in connection, “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart by multiplying my signs;” as if God were pointing out the external cause of his obstinacy.... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:5

5._And the Egyptians shall know. _This is a species of irony, viz., that the Egyptians, subdued by the plagues, should at last begin to feel that their contention was against God. The object, however, of God was to encourage Moses, lest he should fail before the madness and fury of his enemies. Ther... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:6

6._And Moses and Aaron did. _It is not for the sake of boasting that Moses reports his own obedience; but after having ingenuously confessed his hesitation, he now relates that he and his brother were in better courage for the performance of their office. In the meantime he shows that he, as well as... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:8

8._And the Lord spake. _No wonder that Moses often repeats the same thing, because he wrote for persons of rude and dull minds. But it behooves us, lest we should be disgusted by his simple and popular style, diligently to examine how little we are inclined to be acute and earnest in our considerati... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:10

10._And Moses and Aaron went in. _Although they were now fully conscious of their vocation; and knew that they were endued with divine power for working miracles, yet would they never have dared to approach the fierce and cruel tyrant, unless the inward inspiration of the Spirit had armed them to pe... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:11

11._Then Pharaoh also called. _The impiety of the tyrant, which had before lain hid in the recesses of his heart, now breaks forth; when he does not hesitate to enter into the lists with God. For he was sufficiently instructed in the wonderful power of God, had not his iniquity urged him onwards int... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:12

12._For they cast down every man. _The number of the magicians is not expressed; and although Paul names two, Jannes and Jambres, (86) (2 Timothy 3:8,) it is probable that they were not the only ones, but the chief, and, as it were, the ringleaders. But I will not dispute this questionable point. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:14

14._And the Lord said unto Moses. _Moses now begins to relate the two plagues which were inflicted upon Egypt before Pharaoh was induced to obey; and although there was something prodigious in the madness which strove against God’s hand so powerfully constraining him, yet in the person of this singl... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:19

19._And the Lord spake unto Moses. _This is the more extended narrative of which I spoke; for Moses mentions nothing different from what went before, but explains more distinctly his mode of action in the performance of the miracle, namely, that what God had commanded was completed by the instrument... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:20

20._And Moses and Aaron did so. _He repeats that what God threatened as to the death of the fish, and the stinking of the Nile, actually took place; that he may aggravate the sin of the king, who was unaffected by the manifold power of God. Still he immediately adds that his counsellors witnessed it... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:22

22._And the magicians of Egypt did so. _A question arises as to how the magicians could imitate Moses, when the material to work upon no longer remained; for, if there were no water left in Egypt, its transmutation was impossible. But I have no doubt but that, for the purpose of their illusion, pure... [ Continue Reading ]

Exodus 7:23

23._And Pharaoh turned. _In this word Moses teaches us that the hardness of heart, to which God had devote Pharaoh, was voluntary; so that the sin rested in himself, nor did the secret appointment of God avail anything to lessen his culpability, for his folly is condemned, because he did not “set hi... [ Continue Reading ]

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