Matthew 22:1

Matthew 22:1._And Jesus answering. _Though _Matthew _relates this parable among other discourses which were delivered by Christ about the time of the last Passover, yet as he does not specify any particular time, and as _Luke _expressly affirms that Christ delivered this discourse _while he sat at t... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:2

2._The kingdom of heaven is like a human king _As it was long ago said by a Spartan, that the Athenians knew what was right, but did not choose to practice it; so Christ now brings it as a reproach against the Jews, that they gave utterance to beautiful expressions about _the kingdom of God, _but, w... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:4

4._Again he sent other servants. _He speaks as if it had been the same persons who were invited, for it was one body of the people. The meaning is, that when the happy and joyful day of redemption drew near, they were warned to be ready; for they had been long ago informed as to the time. But now Ch... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:5

We must now consider that part of doctrine which is conveyed both by Matthew and by Luke. _One went to his field, and another to his merchandise; _or, as Luke expresses it, one pleaded that _he had married a wife; _another that he had _purchased a field; _and another that he had _bought five yoke of... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:7

7._But when the king heard it. _This punishment is mentioned by _Matthew _alone; for Luke makes no mention of any outrage committed on the servants. Both concur in stating, that those who did not come at the appointed time were shut out, and deprived of the honor of being present at the banquet. But... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:9

9._Go therefore to the highways. _Having shown that they are unworthy of the grace of God who disdainfully reject it when offered to them, he now says that their place is supplied by others, by the mean and despised common people. And here is described the calling of the Gentiles, which is to excite... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:11

Matthew 22:11._And the king, having come in to see the guests. _Here Christ does not reproach the Jews with having wickedly despised the grace and calling of God; but gives early warning to those who would be placed in their room, not to pollute with their filth the holy marriage, when God shall bes... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:14

14._For many are called, but few are chosen. _The object of the parable is pointed out by the conclusion, that _few are chosen, _though _many are called; _from which we infer, that we ought not to attempt an ingenious explanation of every minute clause. But lately, Christ did not threaten that the g... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:15

Matthew 22:15._That they might entrap him in his words. The Pharisees, _perceiving that all their other attempts against Christ had been fruitless, at length concluded that the best and most expeditious method of destroying him was, _to deliver him to the governor, _as a seditious person and a distu... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:16

16._Master, we know that thou art true. _This is the _righteousness _which they counterfeit, when they offer humble subjection to Christ, as if they were desirous to learn, and as if they not only had some relish for piety, but also were fully convinced of his doctrine; for if what they said had bee... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:18

18._Knowing their malice. _They had opened the conversation in such a manner that they did not appear to differ at all from excellent scholars. Whence then had Christ this knowledge, but because his Spirit was a discerner of hearts? It was not by human conjecture that he perceived their cunning, but... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:19

19._Show me the tribute-money. _When Christ orders them to bring forward a coin, though at first sight it appears to be of no great importance, yet it is sufficient for breaking their snares. In this way they had already made an acknowledgment of subjection, so that Christ did not find it necessary... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:21

21._Render therefore to Caesar those things which are Caesar’s. _Christ reminds them that, as the subjection of their nation was attested by the coin, there ought to be no debate on that subject; as if he had said, _“If _you think it strange to pay _tribute, _be not subjects of the Roman Empire. But... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:22

22_They wondered at him. _Here, too, it appears how God turns to a different purpose the wicked attempts of His enemies, and not only disappoints their expectation, but even drives them back with disgrace. It will sometimes happen, no doubt, that wicked men, though vanquished, do not cease to growl;... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:23

Matthew 22:23._The same day came to him the Sadducees. _We see here how Satan brings together all the ungodly, who in other respects differ widely from each other, to attack the truth of God. For, though deadly strife existed between these two sects, (66) yet they conspire together against Christ; s... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:24

24._Master, Moses said. _As it was enough to mention the bare fact, why do they make use of this preface? They cunningly employ the name of _Moses, _for the purpose of proving that they were lawful marriages, which had been contracted not by the will of men, but by the command and appointment of God... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:29

29._You err, not knowing the Scriptures. _Though Christ addresses _the Sadducees, _yet this reproof applies generally to all inventors of false doctrines. For, since God makes known His will clearly in _the Scriptures, _the want of acquaintance with them is the source and cause of all errors. But th... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:30

30._But are like the angels of God in heaven. _He does not mean that the children of God will be, in all respects, _like the angels, _but only so far as they shall be free from every infirmity of the present life; thus affirming that they will no longer be exposed to the wants of a frail and perishi... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:34

Although I think that this narrative has nothing more than a resemblance to what is related by Matthew in the 22nd, and by Mark in the 12th chapter, of his Gospel, and that they are not the same; I have chosen to collect them into one place, because, while Matthew and Mark affirm that this was the l... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:37

Matthew 22:37._Thou shalt love the Lord thou God. _According to Mark, the preface is inserted, that _Jehovah alone is the God of Israel; _by which words God supports the authority of his law in two ways. For, first, it ought to be a powerful excitement to the worship of God, when we are fully convin... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:39

39._And the second is like it. _He assigns the _second _place to mutual kindness among men, for the worship of God is _first _in order. The _commandment _to love our neighbors, he tells us, is _like _the first, because it depends upon it. For, since every man is devoted to himself, there will never... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:40

Matthew 22:40._On these two commandments. _I now return to Matthew, where Christ says that _all the Law and the prophets depend on these two commandments; _not that he intends to limit to them (78) all the doctrine of Scripture, but because all that is anywhere taught as to the manner of living a ho... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:42

Matthew 22:42._What think you of Christ? _Mark and Luke express more clearly the reason why Christ put this question. It was because there prevailed among _the scribes _an erroneous opinion, that the promised Redeemer would be one of _David’s _sons and successors, who would bring along with him noth... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:43

43._How then does David by the Spirit call him Lord. _The assertion made by Christ, that _David _spoke _by the Spirit, _is emphatic; for he contrasts the prediction of a future event with the testimony of a present event. By this phrase he anticipates the sophistry by which the Jews of the present d... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 22:44

44._The _Lord _said to my Lord. _Here the Holy Spirit puts into the mouth of all the godly a song of triumph, that they may boldly defy Satan and all the ungodly, and mock at their rage, when they endeavor to drive Christ from his throne. That they may not hesitate or tremble, when they perceive gre... [ Continue Reading ]

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