It is not important whether Christians were *Jews or *Gentiles. Christians have learned how much God loves them. So they should love other people in the way that God loves them.

Someone made you stop

v7 You were doing so well. But someone made you stop. They persuaded you not to obey the true words about God. v8 God did not do this. God invited you to come to him. v9 People say, ‘You only need a little piece of yeast (substance that makes bread rise) to make a large loaf of bread.’ v10 We are all united in the *Lord. So I am confident that you will not have a different opinion. God will certainly punish the person who is upsetting you. It does not matter who that person is. v11 My dear Christian brothers and sisters, I do not teach that someone must *circumcise men. Perhaps some people say that I teach this. But if I were really teaching this, then nobody would oppose me. And nobody would think that the message about the cross was a hard message. In fact, the cross would not matter to anyone. v12 Those people have unsettled you. I wish that they would cut off their male parts completely!

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