Genesis 21:1-34

GOD’S ANCIENT PEOPLE GENESIS _ALUN OWEN_ CHAPTER 21 ISAAC IS BORN V1 The *Lord had promised that he would visit Sarah. He did what he had promised to her. V2 So Sarah became *pregnant. A son was born to her for Abraham, when Abraham was old. This son was born at the time that God had promised.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:6

God had promised that Sarah would have a son. And Sarah did not believe what God said. She laughed because she did not believe. (See Genesis 18:12.) After Isaac’s birth, Sarah laughed again. But then she laughed because she was very happy. ABRAHAM SENDS HAGAR AND ISHMAEL AWAY V8 The baby grew. And... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:9

‘Ishmael was laughing at Isaac.’ Ishmael knew that he was Abraham’s oldest son. He thought that he, Ishmael, would have the right of the oldest son. He thought that he would get Abraham’s wealth after Abraham’s death. And so, he thought that he was more important than Isaac. He showed that by his be... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:12

God had made a promise to Abraham, when his name was still Abram. (See Genesis 15:4-5.) God promised that Abraham would have a son. By that son, Abraham would have very many *descendants. And that son would be Isaac. So God intended that Isaac should have the rights of the oldest son. Isaac was the... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:14

Abraham gave to Hagar and Ishmael all that they needed. They could have gone to another family as servants. But Hagar chose to wander in the desert. This desert was not yet called Beer-sheba. Abraham and Abimelech named it at a later time. (See verse 31.)... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:15-17

Ishmael was not a young child. He was about 17 years of age. The heat and the lack of water affected him more than they affected Hagar. So Hagar led him to a bush and he sat in the shade. But Abraham had taught Ishmael to know God. And Ishmael could still pray. Hagar cried loudly because of her trou... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:27-30

The number 7 was a sign of an agreement. That was a custom at that time. Abraham gave 7 sheep and Abimelech received 7 sheep. So they knew that they had made an agreement.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:31

This agreement was very important. Abraham had many sheep and cows and other animals. The animals needed water. Until this time, Abraham did not own a well. By this agreement, Abraham owned the well that is called Beer-sheba. ‘Beer-sheba’ means ‘the well of 7’.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 21:33

Abraham planted the tree to show his thanks to God. God had promised to give the whole country to Abraham and to his *descendants. (See Genesis 12:7.) And this well was the beginning of the things that God had promised. LORD ~ a lord is a person who has authority. ‘The Lord’ means God. It is a trans... [ Continue Reading ]

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