Genesis 8:1

‘God remembered Noah.’ This does not mean that God forgot Noah until this time. It means that at this time God acted to help Noah.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:1-22

GOD’S ANCIENT PEOPLE GENESIS _ALUN OWEN_ CHAPTER 8 THE FLOOD ENDS V1 But God remembered Noah. And God remembered all the animals that were with Noah in the *ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth. Then the water decreased. V2 God stopped the water so that it did not rise up from the deep... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:4

‘Mount Ararat’ means the mountains that are in the east part of the modern country Turkey. V6 After 40 days, Noah opened the window of the *ark, which he had made. V7 He sent out a raven (a bird). The raven flew about until the water disappeared from the earth. V8 And Noah sent out a dove (a differ... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:7

A raven is a black bird that can live on mountains. It can eat dead animals. There were dead animals on the mountains. So the raven found enough food and it did not return to the *ark.... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:11

The kind of tree was an ‘olive’ tree. Nowadays people use a picture of a dove that carries a leaf of an olive tree. It is a sign that means ‘peace’. V13 When Noah had lived for 601 years, the water disappeared from the earth. On the first day of the first month, it disappeared. Noah took off the co... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:20

An *altar was a pile of stones like a table. Noah made a fire on the *altar and he burned the animals. They were a gift to God. Many ancient people burned animals. They were *offerings to God. The animals died as a sign that Christ would die on the cross. Nowadays, we put our trust in Christ, who s... [ Continue Reading ]

Genesis 8:21

Before the flood, all people were evil except for Noah and his family. (See Genesis 6:12.) God killed the evil people. But God knew that people would still be evil. Good people and bad people will live together while the earth remains. ‘I will never again make the ground produce little.’ God had do... [ Continue Reading ]

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