Isaiah 18:1

Cush was a country that today forms part of southern Egypt and northern Sudan. • ‘Clouds of insects’ is one possible translation of a very rare Hebrew form of words. Or the words may refer to the sails of small boats on the rivers. Either translation could correctly refer to the land of Cush.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:1-7

ISAIAH: GOD CONTROLS THE NATIONS GOD’S PLANS FOR JUDAH, ASSYRIA AND EGYPT ISAIAH CHAPTER S 10 TO 20 _NORMAN HILLYER_ CHAPTER 18 GOD WILL PUNISH CUSH V1 *Woe to the country called Cush where clouds of insects fly across the rivers. V2 The people in Cush have sent *messengers across the sea. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:2

The people in Cush have sent *messengers to invite Judah to join in a force against Assyria. But Isaiah’s message told them to return home. Military unions will never be sufficient. God’s people should trust the *Lord alone for success. ‘Smooth skins’ refers to the fact that the men of Cush shaved... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:3

People used high places, for example the tops of mountains, to send important news quickly and over vast distances. But in this verse ‘sign’ and ‘alarm’ give a picture in words. The meaning is ‘a clear message that everybody can understand’.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:4

The *Lord remains calm. What is about to happen between nations does not affect him in any way. But when he sees that the time is right, he will suddenly act. Then nothing can stop him. Nobody can stop him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:5,6

The *Lord will use some nation’s army to destroy the huge forces of Cush. He, and not some political leader, is in control of the events of history.... [ Continue Reading ]

Isaiah 18:7

See Isaiah 60:10-14. WOE ~ a very sad cry because there is much pain to come. MESSENGER ~ a person who carries a message. LORD ~ God’s name in the Bible. In the original language, God’s names mean ‘head over all’ and ‘God always’. GRAPES ~ small sweet fruit of the vine. The juice of grapes makes win... [ Continue Reading ]

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