The people’s religion has become a mere performance. It has lost all real meaning.

Hope for the future

v15 *Woe to those who try to hide from the *Lord the advice that they give. *Woe to those who form evil schemes in secret. *Woe to those who think that nobody can see their actions. They believe that nobody will be aware of their deeds. v16 These people turn everything over! But the potter (someone who makes pots) is not like the material that he uses. The pot cannot deny that its maker did the work. Neither can the pot pretend that its maker understands nothing.

v17 But very soon it will be the *Lord who turns everything over! He will turn the thick forest in Lebanon into one great garden of fruit. v18 At that time deaf people will be able to hear someone who is reading aloud from a book. And blind people will be able to see. They will no longer live in darkness. v19 The *Lord will give happiness again to those people who belong to the lowest rank in society. And the Holy God of Israel will give poor people every reason to be cheerful. v20 That is because cruel people will have lost all their power. Those who have been laughing at God will vanish. And the *Lord will destroy all those who plot evil schemes. v21 For example, people who give false evidence in court to pretend that someone is guilty. People who use lies to prevent a fair judgement in court for an innocent person.

v22 Therefore the *Lord, who rescued Abraham from trouble, says this about the people from Israel: ‘Israel’s people will not continue to feel shame. They will not still be ashamed. v23 They will appreciate my actions on their behalf. They will deeply respect the Holy God of Israel. They will give me great honour. v24 Then those whose minds are confused will gain knowledge. And those who complain without reason will quietly accept instruction.’

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