The fool only thinks about himself and about his own affairs. He does not even notice other people’s problems.

Judgement is coming

v9 Listen to me, you women in Judah. You live in comfort. You feel that you have security. You have no worries. You are so self-confident. But note my words carefully. v10 In less than a year from now, you comfortable women will be trembling with fear. The *grape harvest will fail. And you will have no other fruit to collect. v11 Tremble, you women who have been living so comfortably. Shake with fear, you who have been so confident. Strip and make yourselves bare. Then put on *sackcloth. v12 Weep for the fields that once produced rich crops. And for the *vine that no longer gives fruit. v13 Because the soil that my people cultivate will soon be growing only *thorn-bushes. The homes in the city will no longer be happy places. v14 Even the royal palace will be empty. The crowds will have left the city. The castle and the *look-out will become the home of wild animals. They will wander there in order to find things to eat.

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