Zophar supposed that a wicked person would soon suffer terrible troubles. But Job proved that many wicked people have successful lives. Neither Job nor Zophar thought about such people’s spirits, which continue to live after death. Both men said many true things. But neither could explain the whole truth.

When Eliphaz heard this discussion, he wanted to reply to Job. Eliphaz thought that he could now explain Job’s problems. Job did not say that anyone should ever be evil. But he did say that wicked people have successful lives. So Eliphaz thought that Job approved of an evil life. And Eliphaz decided that Job must really be evil. The three friends had already suggested this. But they were too polite to accuse Job clearly. And they had no evidence.

Now, however, Eliphaz would blame Job for all the troubles that Job suffered. Eliphaz would accuse Job clearly.

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