Job 30:1-11

Formerly the most important people would gather to listen to Job. And they respected Job greatly. But now, the worst youths would gather to see Job. They would insult Job. And they would laugh at him. Job had known the fathers of these youths. But the fathers did not impress Job. Job would not emp... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:1-31

JOB, A SERVANT OF GOD Job _KEITH SIMONS_ Words in boxes (except for words in brackets) are from the Bible. This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. CHAPTER 30 JOB MAKES A LIST OF HIS TROUBLES THE WORST PEOPLE INSULT JOB V1 But now, men laugh at me, although they are younger than m... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:12-14

Job watched the youths as they talked. And Job thought that they were making plans to attack him. Job felt too ill to avoid them. Of course, a city cannot move when its enemies attack. So Job thought that he was like such a city. At the time of the Bible, walls surrounded a city. So, before soldie... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:15

Before Job’s troubles, Job was confident. He thought that people would respect him for his whole life. He had great security (Job 29:18-20). But Job’s feeling of security was not real. And his honour did not last. JOB IS DYING V16 Now, I am dying. I suffer greatly during the daytime. V17 By night... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:16-19

Job was suffering pain because of his illness. The pain reminded him of clothing that someone cannot remove. So the pain affected Job’s whole body. The pain also reminded Job of a collar. It felt as if something was holding Job’s neck. Soon, Job might be unable to breath. So Job would die. His frien... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:20-23

Job accused God. God seemed so powerful. And Job was very weak. Job thought that God was using his great power to kill Job. It seems strange to remember Job 2:3. The truth is that God was proud of Job. The devil had fiercely attacked Job. But Job continued to praise God. Whatever happened, Job woul... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:27-30

In verses 28 and 30, Job spoke about the terrible illness that affected his skin. Job had painful spots over his whole body (Job 2:7). In these verses, Job explained that his skin had become dark. And it felt too hot. Job called for help. But the people did not want to help him. His voice sounded li... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 30:31

Formerly, Job played music. Then the sounds that he made were happy, like the sound of the children in Job 21:12. But now the sounds that Job made were sad. He would cry because of his pain. He sounded like someone at a funeral.... [ Continue Reading ]

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