These verses describe Job’s test (verse 7). The purpose of the test was to prove that God was greater than Job. And the purpose was to prove that God was wiser than Job.

Firstly, God reminded Job about God’s great power. Job was not as powerful as God (verse 9).

Then God reminded Job about God’s importance (verse 10).

Then God gave a list of how Job would like God to act (verses 11-13). God can do such things. But Job could not do these things. So Job should not be telling God to do these things. And Job should not complain if God decides not to do these things.

Job clearly failed his test. Nobody is as great as God. So God uses humour in verse 14. If Job could carry out his great ideas, then even God would respect Job! But Job could not do these things. So instead, Job should trust God. God alone could save Job from his troubles.

A great animal

v15 The hippo is a great animal. I created the hippo. And I created you. The hippo eats grass like other animals. v16 But its body is so strong. Its muscles are so powerful. v17 Its tail is like a tree. Its legs have firm muscles. v18 Its bones seem as strong as metal. Its legs seem as strong as iron.

v19 The hippo is the greatest of my works. But I, God, made the hippo. And I can kill it.

v20 There is food for the hippo in the hills. And the other wild animals play there. v21 But the hippo lies down under the bushes. The hippo hides between the reeds, in the mud. (Reeds are plants that grow in mud.) v22 The hippo hides in the shade of the bushes. And it rests between the trees that grow near the river.

v23 The hippo is not afraid when the river floods. Even if the river Jordan rises as high as its mouth, the hippo is safe. v24 You cannot catch a hippo. Your traps will fail. You cannot put a ring on a hippo’s nose.

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