Job 41:1,2

At the end of God’s speech, God described another strong animal. We think that God was describing a dangerous animal called the crocodile. The crocodile lives in rivers. But it can also walk on the land. Some crocodiles are very large. And they are very fierce. Job imagined that God was responsible... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:1-34

JOB, A SERVANT OF GOD Job _KEITH SIMONS_ Words in boxes (except for words in brackets) are from the Bible. This commentary has been through Advanced Checking. CHAPTER 41 GOD FINISHES HIS SPEECH A DANGEROUS ANIMAL CALLED THE CROCODILE V1 A crocodile is an animal that lives in the river. But y... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:3-5

People keep many animals as pets. But nobody can train a crocodile to be a tame animal. It is out of control. MEN CANNOT HUNT FOR A CROCODILE V6 Merchants will not bargain for the meat of the crocodile. Shopkeepers cannot cut up the meat in order to sell it. V7 You cannot hunt a crocodile with sp... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:6,7

You can kill other river animals for their meat. But it is very difficult to kill a crocodile. The crocodile is too fierce. And its skin is too hard to cut with a sword or another long knife.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:8

The crocodile would probably kill the person who touched it. But if that person escaped, he would not dare to touch another crocodile.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:9-11

God created all the animals. So God is more powerful than any animal. And God is also more powerful than the devil. So people who trust God do not need to be afraid of the devil. Instead, they should trust God to help them. GOD DESCRIBES THE CROCODILE V12 I shall tell you about the crocodile. I sh... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:12

We would not normally describe a crocodile as graceful. But perhaps God meant the skin of the crocodile. Today, crocodile skin makes an attractive leather.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:13-17

This description explains why a man cannot attack a crocodile. The crocodile would try to bite the man. And no part of the crocodile’s body seems soft enough to cut, even with a sword. AN ADVENTURE WITH A CROCODILE _THE CROCODILE RISES FROM THE RIVER_ V18 (The crocodile rises from the river.) Fir... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:18-21

These verses are difficult to understand. In the EasyEnglish translation, we have put some words in brackets (…). These words are not in the original Book of Job. We have included these words to help you to understand one possible meaning. Some people think that fire actually came from the animal’s... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:22-25

If the man was curious, he might see the crocodile. But if the man was sensible, he would run away. _THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES: PEOPLE TRY TO FRIGHTEN THE CROCODILE_ V26 A sword does not hurt a crocodile. Dangerous knives have no effect. V27 The crocodile will bend a metal knife. Or, the crocodile w... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:26-29

Many towns are near rivers. So a crocodile could enter a town. The inhabitants would want to frighten it. Perhaps it will return to the river. But the people cannot attack it. The crocodile is not afraid of a sword or a knife. And the crocodile would hurt anyone who tried to fight. So the people mus... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:30-32

The crocodile leaves when it chooses to leave. Its legs are short, so its body leaves a track in the mud. It stirs the water as it returns to the river. And the crocodile also leaves a track of bubbles (called foam) on the surface of the water. Everybody will be glad when the crocodile leaves. TH... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 41:33,34

Some animals seem proud. And some people are very proud. But nobody can continue to be proud when they see a crocodile. Their proud words cannot protect them from such a dangerous animal. The devil is also very proud. The devil is not afraid of any person. The devil is so bold that he even accuses... [ Continue Reading ]

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